Opportunities abound for mankind to tackle new frontiers and world mysteries. One new frontier that is coming to NEPA is Space Entrepreneurship. In fact, NEPA community leaders are working right now to “launch” a whole new Space Eco-system here in NEPA.
What can Space Entrepreneurship mean for our community? Also, if Space Entrepreneurship is to be successful in NEPA, then what creative new activities, classes, and programs do you recommend for the K – 12 students of your district in order to learn more about space and obtain hands-on experience with the skills and jobs that will be needed to support this new workforce?
Gabriel Garcia-Adon, Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences
Please describe one area that you feel our community can improve on. What does improvement “look like” and what would it take to achieve? What role do you see yourself and other students taking in this change process? The winning essay contestant will receive a paid tecBRIDGE summer internship opportunity to pursue this objective.
Emma Monahan, Carbondale Area Essay
Please describe how you see climate change currently impacting NEPA.What recommendations do you have for leaders in our community to address this issue and how would you measure the impacts?
Perla Villegas, Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences Essay
Inclusivity focuses on creating an environment where everyone has a voice, feels respected, and is valued. Imagine you are the leader of a company or organization: how would you practice inclusive leadership while celebrating the diversity of your colleagues?
Mya Corcoran, Coughlin High School Essay
Drawing on your high school education, community and extra-curricular activities, and lessons learned from the High School Entrepreneurship Institute and Business Plan Competition, if there was one thing you could change about your community, what would it be and why? How would you create that change?
Brinn Gammer, Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences Essay