The 2024 Youth Entrepreneurship Conference will be hosted by our friends at King’s College on Friday, November 22, 2024. For those who wish to attend virtually we will also be live-streaming the event.
If you are interested in attending our conference, you must pre-register via one of the following actions:
High School Students– High School juniors and seniors interested in attending the conference must register with their school coordinator to obtain authorization to participate. School coordinators will notify tecBRIDGE of each participating student, teacher, and staff member along with their email addresses. tecBRIDGE will send all participants a welcome email with instructions on how to access the in-personal event or online conference portal.
College Students– Interested collegiate participants must advise their school coordinator of their intent to participate. School coordinators will notify tecBRIDGE of each participating students, faculty, and staff member along with their email addresses. tecBRIDGE will send all participants a welcome email with instructions for accessing the in-personal event or online conference portal.
Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Community Participants– Please email with your name and organization.