Session Description - Partnership Triangulation- Avoiding Strangulation

Partnership Triangulation- Avoiding Strangulation

Dr. Mary Lou D’Allegro & Susan Spry

Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) partnerships with local companies are certainly not a new phenomenon. Early college or dual agreement partnerships are not either. However, put the two partnerships together and IHEs often feel they are caught in the middle of both organizations because, let’s face it, they are. Regardless, Luzerne County Community College (LCCC) knows that as it builds various programmatic pathways, it must cultivate strong partnerships at the beginning of that pathway (K-12 school districts) and the terminus (gainful employment opportunities) during and after students earn a post-secondary credential.

This presentation will provide an overview of a current partnership triangulation with Crestwood High School and i2M. This session will also discuss the partnership triangulation’s importance as well as the value, perks, and pitfalls for each of the three partners.

Strategies for establishing additional partnerships using this prototype will be shared. Moreover, the primary objective of the presentation is to illustrate how this partnership triangulation can be a replicable productive model for other NEPA institutions and beyond.  

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